About NAT dogooooo

dogooooo: [doɡuː]

Disclaimer: If you choose to mint NAT dogooooo, please do so at your own risk.

"Ordinal theory imbues satoshis with numismatic value, allowing them to be collected and traded as curios." (Ordinal Theory Handbook)

For Ordinals, initial inscription is precious. It progresses with the passage of time, creating value through its irreversibility.

Rune stones draw inspiration from ancient scripts like runic alphabets. Likewise, "dogooooo: [doɡuː]" is inspired by Japanese history and brought into the modern day, created by SAYoooooh

Just as artifacts unearthed become history, one must never forget that Bitcoin is also mined. Now, let's excavate dogooooo on-chain. Are you ready?

Getting to know NAT

NAT deployment is one application of Digital Matter Theory (DMT) DMT proposes the creation of forms of digital matter by leveraging inherent patterns present in data.

While this matter may not physically exist, it can be manipulated and interacted with in digital environments.

Bitcoin blocks and transactions contain abundant fields of information, providing transparency, immutability, and offering unique and objective patterns. Based on the immutable data of Bitcoin, it is possible to create digital matter akin to elemental symbols from these patterns.

More information DMT

"NAT dogooooo" is an art collection created in this manner. Each NAT dogoooooo possesses unique characteristics and is autonomously generated through the Bitcoin blockchain.

What's 'dogooooo'

"Dogu" refers to clay figurines made during Japan's Jomon period, formed by molding and firing clay. These dogu play a significant role in archaeological discoveries and research, offering valuable insights into Japan's prehistoric era and culture.

The dogooooo collection draws inspiration from dogu and updates them for contemporary tastes, created by SAYoooooh in 2022. Its initial chain is Ethereum.

The purpose for which dogū were made is still unknown. Their motifs are mainly human-like figures, but sometimes they depict fish or animals. They may have been used in prayers. However, even without a specific reason, humans have a natural urge to create things. That is the message of dogooooo.

Let's excavate dogooooo!

Over time, the methods of preserving cultures and civilizations change. One of them is blockchain. So, where can dogooooo be excavated from? Let's take a closer look!


These were created using the open-source of Natcats, a pioneer in the field. We are grateful to Ev, the founder of Natcats, and the community.

This minting will be carried out using Mscribe. We would like to thank Mscribe and King for their fair and advanced development.

Last updated